1. What is FC ?
2. What are the advantages of FC ?
3. Mention the differences between FC & SCSI ?
4. Explain the layers in FC Protocol ?
5. What are the functions of layer2 and layer3 in FC ?
6. What are different FC topologies ?
7. What is the difference between point to point & Switched in FC ?
8. Explain FC-AL ?
9. Explain the process of initialization in FC ?
10.Explain these terms : LIFA,LIPA,LIHA,LISA
11.What is a Fabric and what are its components ?
12.What are the different FC ports ?
13.Explain different types of flow controls ?
14.What is the difference between buffer to buffer and End to End flow control ?
15.What are the different classes of Services and explain them ?
16.Explain addressing in FC ?
17.Explain FC login process ?
18.What is transmission character and transmission word ?
19.What is a frame, sequence and exchange ?
20.Explain FC frame composition ?
21.Why do we need login in FC ?
22.How many connections are possible in FC ?
23.What are the maximum devices supported in each topologies of FC ?
24.What is the difference between FC & iSCSI
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